Australian Geoscience Events

Gold24 International Symposium
From Tuesday 22 October 2024 -  02:00am
To Friday 25 October 2024 - 02:00am
Hits : 114

GoldXX events are known for their ground-breaking science, high quality and controversial presentations, and being good fun. The first meeting was Gold82 in Harare.
Gold84 was in Barberton and memorable for the lively debate about syngenesis and epigenesis. Gold86 was in Toronto, and Gold88 in Melbourne was a large meeting with extremely controversial talks. Gold91 was in Belo Horizonte. More recently, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (Western Australia branch) AIG-WA has run several GoldXX meetings in Kalgoorlie and Rotorua. The last meeting was Gold19 in Perth. All meetings fostered the ongoing collaboration between exploration, mining, government, and academia.

Location University Club of WA, WA
1 Hackett Dr
(08) 6488 8770